A tight binding is always difficult to measure since the incubation times to reach equilibrium or sufficient dissociation can be very long. You can try to measure the dissociation in a well equilibrated system, but when the dissociation rate is below 1.10
-6 s
-1 this will take more than 15 hours to have only 5% dissociation. And you need a very properly matched reference to do the double referencing which means that you also have to run a blank for the same period of time.
I don't think SPR is the best solution when the interaction is very tight (
kd < 1.10
-6 s
-1) and I would suggest to use other means of measuring.
I found the following question on research gate (
) and the answer of Karl Andersson with the references is a good starting point to solve your interaction.
) is also suggested but this technique uses a lot of sample compared to MST (
) which would my choice.
kind regards