
SPRpages book


Decaying surface

The aim of this book is to introduce biomolecular interaction analysis in relation to surface plasmon resonance. The theory and the practical approach of preparing samples and sensor chips, performing the experiment and analyzing the results are discussed. The main emphasis will be on the design of proper experiments, processing the data and analyzing the curves in order to obatin reliable results. In addition, examples are given to avoid the common errors made with SPR. Although written with the Biacore™ in mind, the general principles and guidelines will be applicable to comparable SPR instruments.

This over 250 pages book contains more additional information and figures compared to the SPR-Pages. In addition, the book can serve as a reference next to your SPR machine since it is in a convenient A5 size with spiral band.

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17-04-2024 / This is the best book about SPR I ever got. All of the rules, principles and practices are described in very good way, that is easy to understand. Adequate mathematics is given that is not overwhelming for the reader, but provides good, solid understanding. The book is helpful not only for the SPR, but for all other biophysical methods of molecular interaction nature, such as BLI, MST, LSPR, ICT, e.t.c. I would recommend every biochemist to have it.

25-04-2022 / Really happy with this book It is a very good guide to the Surface Plasmon Resonance understanding, with a very good approach to theory, enough and well synthetized, as well as a useful practical guide, very well designed and explained. I find it a very useful guide to the design of my SPR experiments. The book comes in handy wire-o binding.

Book contents

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content of the sprpages book.
1 Introduction to Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
2 Kinetics
3 Association
4 Steady state
5 Dissociation
6 Regeneration
7 Mass transfer
8 Getting a feeling for the curves
9 Sensor chips
10 Sample preparation
11 Immobilization
12 Experimental setup
13 Data fitting
14 Kinetic models
15 Modelling thin layers
16 Checklists
17 Calculations
18 References
19 Resources
20 Index

Book example 2
sprpages book example
Book example 3
sprpages book example
Book example 4
sprpages book example